Gong Xi Fa Chai Malaysia, may this Golden Rat year shine brightly upon us all!

This Chinese New Year, let us passionately embrace the spirit of the Rat Zodiac which represents wit, alertness, flexibility and vitality.

These positive qualities should be shown by all Malaysians, as we strive for a more vibrant and successful year ahead.

I believe that the Shui (water) element that the zodiac represents is indeed the best representation of how Malaysians should face the challenges ahead.

None other than Bruce Lee once said that the best form a martial art practitioner could take is to become like water, as it always influences its environment. Surrounded by cold, water becomes stronger. Added to coffee, it enhances the flavor. Most importantly, there is calmness in a huge lake and strength in an enormous wave.

Let us take control of how external elements affect our environment this Chinese New Year, especially the negative elements that seek to disrupt our harmonious society.

As Malaysians, our unity is strongest when we ‘become’ water. Let us celebrate this Chinese New Year in the true spirit of the Shui and face our challenges together to make Malaysia a better, stronger nation.

To all who are travelling, I wish you a pleasant and safe journey.

Gong Xi Fa Chai Malaysia, may this Golden Rat year shine brightly upon us all!

(YB Senator Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy)

Selamat bercuti dan bergembira bersama keluarga tercinta.

#ஒற்றுமையை நாடுங்கள்

Kemaskini Terakhir : 24 / 01 / 2020 07:20 AM